Friday, August 13, 2010

Spain Day 5

Laura Bailey, Katie Dagenais, Mickey Rogers, and Melissa Rosales check in with the Day 5 Spain blog. Also thanks to Christina Hartsfield for the pictures in the photo gallery.

Photo Gallery

Esta Manana empezo con almuerzo a las 930 en la manana. Despues que eso nosotros estabamos en la hotel discussiando que queriamos hacer por la dia. Teniamos dos optiones : va al plaza de la ciudad o va a la playa de sitges. Votemos y decidieramos ir a la ciudad. Just kidding that is all the Spanish we know, as a matter of fact we are not sure those are all real words.

The morning began with a 9:30 breakfast that included the ever present croissant , ham, cheese, and about a thousand more carbs. After breakfast we had a 10:00, scratch that a 10:15 meeting since the team has adopted the Spanish idea that time is not that important. After 20 minutes of discussion, we finally voted on going back to Barcelona for the day. Our day in the city was much like yesterday, we spent way more money than any college student actually has. Thanks mom and dad. On a lighter note, anyone that ever travels with Bert needs to make sure that there is at least one person in the group with some sort of directional sense. We wandered the city in search of a bathroom and the team for what seemed like forever but realistically had been a mere hour in a long day. Fortunately thanks to the directional sense of one extremely amazing person (LB) we made it back to our destination with little concern.

After A few hours in the city, we met up to hop on the train and go to another lunch full of Spanish surprises. Thankfully this one was an excellent one. We went to a restaurant/buffet called Free Way. This place was good! They had everything from oriental food, seafood, cold salad bar, pasta bar, fruit and dessert bar, and carving station with 5 or 6 kinds of meats. Needless to say, we got our money‘s worth.

After lunch we made our way back to the hotel for a nice siesta. During the hour long bus ride back to the hotel, a few of the girls scared the Spanish children with their beautiful snoring facing. Chupacabra rings a bell. Anyone who wants to see a lovely picture of Alice ask X, she has plenty.

After our siesta we got back on the bus to head to our game with RCD Espanyol. Our evening at Espanyol started with a mesmerizing view of the men’s team and their flashy porches and BMW. They were definitely the nicest we have seen here, we mean the cars of course. After taking the usual 3000 team pictures and looking around the complex, we finally got to work.

Coming into the game, we knew they were going to be good. As the reigning Spanish league champs, they didn’t fail to impress us. Not only did they teach us a lot on the field, but they even helped us improve our Spanish. The game was incredible. The conditions were perfect for an amped up game. We were under the lights, in the rain, in an amazing complex, playing one of the best teams we have ever come across. The technical ability of every member of their team was outstanding. We have never seen girls who moved off, on, and around the ball so well. We knew we were going to have to have an outstanding defensive game to stay in it and that is exactly what we did. Becca Roth made a number of outstanding saves, and was easily the defensive player of the game. Still, she was not the only one to shine, the entire team stepped up their game to stay with the clever Espanyol offense. Unfortunately, they scored a beautiful and well-deserved goal with 20 minutes left in the game. Regardless, of the fact that we lost, the game was a great learning experience that left us all in a great mood. Getting to see another more technical side of soccer, will only add to soccer knowledge and we are thankful to have had the opportunity to play Espanyol.

Finally after all was said and done with the game, we got the opportunity to eat at a familiar yet unhealthy restaurant, McDonalds!! We are sure more than half of us were more than happy to eat a burger and fries accompanied by an array of McFlurrys. Though we only had a 30 minute break from Spanish food it was more than welcoming to not have a surprise meal for once.

And now it is bed time. Adios from Espana,

Laura Bailey, Katie Dagenais, Mickey Rogers, and Melissa Rosales

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